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  1. Joan Doyle

    I am a sponsor helping a Syrian family who have significant challenges and are unable to navigate the system to apply for the program. I submitted their information but one child did not receive the last payment and I cannot figure out why. I have tried calling to fix the issue but never able to get through. I have their confirmation # and would like to resolve it. As it didn’t go through last time, I need to apply for this child’s benefit again on May 3 but need to find out the error first so it’s not a mistake again.

    April 27, 2021 at 2:05 PM
  2. ira kuehn

    i apply for january twice and when i called they said never receive any thing i dont know what to say

    April 25, 2021 at 5:58 PM
  3. Joanne

    I had great difficulty getting through the phone lines…tried almost daily. Never got the benefit. If this is going to be offered, find a better sign-up system!! Don’t understand why there would be a time limit to apply??? Are we not still in a pandemic?? Support should still be offered and beyond the pandemic as families are struggling!! Changes need to be made!!!

    April 15, 2021 at 8:25 AM
  4. Andrea jennings

    Every time I call regarding this benefit they tell me it’s closed. Apparently it reopened and now it’s closed again. We have never gotten it. Thanks fir your support!

    March 25, 2021 at 11:27 AM
  5. Wennda Yu

    Hello, the government of Ontario website states that kids qualify up to GRADE 12 rather than up to age 12 as noted in your article. You should adjust for accuracy.

    January 13, 2021 at 4:33 PM
    1. To Do Canada

      Expanded support for learners — The Ontario government has expanded the Support for Learners program to include secondary school students to help offset education expenses. Support will be available for those who attend a public or private school or who are homeschooled. https://www.todocanada.ca/expanded-support-for-learners-for-high-school-students-how-to-apply-for-ontarios-200-covid-19-high-school-student-support/

      January 13, 2021 at 4:35 PM

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