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  1. Shay Hilton

    Yet not one thing being done to help disabled women who want to use the free online resources to get employed in 2020, no CERB if you’re on disability even with the loss of our small but ever so important jobs. No help accessing devices for learning, upskilling etc, no internet fee going down, nothing except free online courses that hundreds want to but cannot access or are; limited by lack of desktop, laptop on handheld devices and Pc’s or high billing internet is too expensive and if you already cannot afford a portable device? I cannot afford a cell and barely m, manage to pay the internet as rent and hydro are much more expensive. Yet not even a lend it center, what if; like me you lack funds AND are agoraphobic like I am? What then? I am not the only one in this position I( see it daily and yet no one is doing a damned thing to help, we even went 8 days no hydro and had to pay almost $100 to access emergency funds from ODSP midmonth!!

    October 10, 2020 at 10:28 AM

    how i can appy

    April 24, 2020 at 8:56 PM

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