When and Where to See Perseid Meteor Shower – 2023


Perseid Meteor Shower Credits: NASA/JPL

What is it: When Earth crosses the orbit of Swift-Tuttle, a comet that orbits the Sun every 133 years, the debris cloud of Swift-Shuttle hits Earth’s atmosphere. The debris travels at around 59 kilometres per second, and peak temperatures can reach anywhere from 1600 to 5500 deg C, thus burning up as they speed across the sky and causing the celestial spectacle of a multitude of shooting stars. Even though the meteors are part of Swift-Tuttle, it is called Perseids Meteor Shower, because they appear to originate from the Perseus constellation.


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When to See the Perseid Meteor Shower:

Earth crosses the comet’s debris cloud every year. The shower is visible from middle of July to the middle of August (July 17 and August 24, 2023), and the peak shower takes place around the second week of August (August 11 to 13 this year) as the Earth crosses the thick of the cloud.

Perseids will peak between midnight and dawn on the morning of August 11 to 13. The shower’s peak is on the morning of August 13, 2023.

This year, the new moon is on August 16. The moon is a waning crescent and at about 10 percent illumination and only rises after 2 a.m. (ET) Hence, if the sky is clear, you have ample time to view the meteor shower. If the sky is cloud-free, you can see about 40 to 100 meteors per hour.

How & Where to See 2023 Perseid Meteor Shower:

Required Conditions: Clear Sky away from city lights — Check clear sky (cloud) conditions in your area – here.

–The best way to see it is to get away from city lights, preferably to Dark Sky Preserves. If not, visit open sky areas (so that you have a 360 deg view of the sky) away from city lights like provincial/regional parks (where you can typically see a million stars on a clear starry night ) around midnight and look up — Northeast at the sky. If you live in the countryside, there is a good possibility that you can see a meteor shower from your yard.


Screengrab: DarkSiteFinder Light Pollution Map.

To find reasonably dark areas near your location, check the darkskyfinder map. Search for a park (or a safe place with no streetlights away from roads/traffic) within the areas coloured dark (mustard), yellow, green, blue, grey or black (transparent). (Before travelling, please check cloud cover.)

— Make sure you switch off the phone, and your eyes need ~ 30 minutes to get adjusted to the dark. If you are carrying a flashlight, cover it with red cellophane wrap or some kind of red filter, so that it doesn’t interfere with viewing.

— Watch the night sky for at least 15 to 20 minutes for a chance to spot meteors. At its best, the shower can produce more than 80 meteors per hour. You can see the shower with the naked eye and do not need astronomy equipment.

— Take a blanket or a lawn chair so that you can sit comfortably to watch the shower.

— To avoid the glare of the moon, sit with your back against the moon. This might increase your chances of seeing some meteors.


2023 Perseid Meteor Shower Parties and Other Dark Sky Events


Lennox and Addington Dark Sky Viewing Area/ Credit: To Do Canada

RASC chapters across the country hold various events, including astronomy presentations and telescopic nighttime views of the Moon, Planets and Deep Sky Objects.

Some of these events include:

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    1. choiceadvantage login

      “When going out to watch the shower, remember to stay away from urban light pollution in order to find complete darkness.”

      So that’s most places out then.

      August 12, 2017 at 1:59 AM

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